Wienissä 14.-17.3.2010 pidettävän konferenssin esitysten tiivistelmien keruu on käynnistynyt 15.6.2009, ja se päättyy 15.10.2009. Ehdotukset voi jättää suoraan konferenssin verkkosivujen kautta.
Konferenssin aihealueita ovat:
1. Lighting and energy efficiency
1.1 International energy saving initiatives
1.2 National and regional energy saving programs
1.3 Efficiency and quality
1.4 Cost effectiveness of lighting installations
1.5 Lighting and safety
1.6 Lighting and the environment
1.7 Day lighting
2. Light sources (including SSLs) and energy saving
2.1 Photometry of SSLs and LEDs
2.2 Colorimetry and colour rendering
2.3 Application including lighting controls
2.4 Application and light pollution
3. Light and vision
3.1 White light vs. yellow light
3.2 Mesopic vision
3.3 Visual comfort
3.4 Age related visual sensitivity and lighting for the elderly
3.5 Lighting for the visually impaired
4. Photobiological effects
4.1 Circadian photoreception
4.2 Circadian responsivity
4.3 Photobiological effects of light