CALL FOR PAPERS DEADLINE 31 JANUARY 2009 – Light and Lighting with special emphasis on LEDs and Solid State Lighting

Call for papers

Light and Lighting with special emphasis on LEDs and Solid State Lighting will be held in Budapest Hungary, from 27 to 29 May 2009.

The goals of the meeting are to bring together illuminating engineers dealing with all aspects of light and lighting with emphasis on
• solid state lighting
• theory and application of LEDs in lighting and signalling, traffic signs and signals
• new measurement techniques for LEDs and LED products
• medical aspects of light with emphasis on LED lighting
• colour aspects of modern light sources

The format of the meeting will include Invited and Contributed Papers as well as Posters. Ample time will be available for round-table discussions and demonstrations. Authors are invited to submit a one page abstract of their proposed contribution in English no later than 31 January 2009 by filling in the Submission Form at the web site

or by e-mail to:

or by mail to
CIE – Hungary,
Árpád Út 67.
H-1042 Budapest, HUNGARY

Authors will be notified of acceptance of their abstract by 20 February 2009.