Uusia CIE-julkaisuja

CIE (International Commission on Illumination) on julkaissut tuoreimmat julkaisut

CIE Standard S 021-/E:2011; Vehicle Headlighting Systems Photometric Performance – Method of Assessment
CIE Standard S 014-3E:2011; Colorimetry – Part 3: CIE Tristimulus Values
CIE 198:2011; Determination of Measurement Uncertainties in Photometry
CIE 198-SP1.1:2011; Modules for the Construction of Measurement Equations
CIE 198-SP1.2:2011; Examples for Models with Individual Inputs
CIE 198-SP1.3:2011; Examples for the Solving of Systems of Equations
CIE 198-SP1.4:2011; Examples for Models with Distributions

CIE-julkaisujen tilausohjeet
Tilausohjeissa mainitaan: ”In this case they should first obtain their country´s membership code from their National Committee before going to the CIE webshop as they will need this code in order to claim their 66,7% discount.” Suomen Valoteknillisen Seuran jäsenet saavat kyseisen alennuksen jäsenkoodilla, jonka saa tarvittaessa pyytämällä heikki.harkonen(at)valosto.com.

CIE Webshop (linkki)